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O nama/About
Mirjana Arsenovic Dacic
I offer a completely personalised coaching service, with a high degree of flexibility. It is often the case that priorities shift as the coaching process evolves; this is something I pay close attention to, ensuring the work we do together remains fresh and relevant at all times. I have experience working with people in a wide variety of contexts, from the personal, relational and creative to the professional and organisational.

Forensyc Psychologist
Licenced Life Coach
Licenced CBT practitioner
Licenced Art Therapist
MBA IT engineer
MBA Environmental protection analysts
About me/O meni
My name is Mirjana Arsenovic Dacic.
Zovem se Mirjana Arsenovic Dacic.
Beside education at University of Belgrade as IT engineer and Environmental protection analyst. I am a graduate forensic psychologist. I graduated at Kilroy's College in Ireland. I have certified a life coach in several areas according to ISO standards, as well as an art therapist, a cognitive behavioral therapist and a group therapist. Regardless of all diplomas and certificates, first of all, I am a normal person, who has struggled for years with his personal and professional problems. By working on myself, I managed to create new, powerful and stimulating ways of thinking and behavior that brought about change and a comprehensive change in my life, and therefore I believe that everyone can achieve goals that he aspires to know what hinders him and to make the decision to move on. Things will naturally come to their place, because every person has the opportunity to be happy, only needs to use it. My approach to working with clients is holistic. I have been influenced by various theories and knowledge, first of all a long-standing experience, but I would like to highlight the following: cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotional therapy K. Ramsay, transactional analysis Berna, art psychology Libby S. My way of working with people is based on the simultaneous used different method according to the needs of people who call me for incentive or help. Before starting work with any person, I have an initial conversation where we are both a client, and I am free in deciding whether we will continue to work. The continuation of the work depends on whether the client has confidence in me as well as from my assessment of whether I can help the client. The initial interview does not oblige either the client or me to continue working. If we reach an agreement that both the client and I are ready and committed to what we have agreed on, our "journey" begins. I work with people who have problems in various life zones such as communication, lack of confidence, full personal potential, overcoming bad habits, setting limits, partnership relations ...
Pored obrazovanja na Univerzitetu u Beogradu kao IT inženjer i Analitičar zaštite životne sredine, diplomirani sam forenzički psiholog. Diplomirala sam na Kilroy’s College u Irskoj. Sertifikovani sam životni trener u više oblasti po ISO standardima, kao i art terapeut, kognitivno bihejvioralni terapeut i grupni terapeut. Bez obzira na sve diplome i sertifikate, pre svega, ja sam normalna osoba, koja se godinama borila sa svojim ličnim i profesionalnim problemima. Radeći na sebi uspela sam da stvorim nove snažne i podsticajne načine razmišljanja i ponašanja koja su donela promene i sveobuhvatnu promenu u mom životu te, stoga, verujem da svako može postići ciljeve kojima teži kad spozna šta ga koči i da donese odluku da krene dalje. Stvari će prirodno doći na svoje mesto, jer svaki čovek ima mogućnost da bude srećan, samo treba da je iskoristi. Moj pristup radu sa klijentima je holistički. Na mene su uticale razne teorije i znanja, pre svega dugogodišnje iskustvo, ali bih izdvojila sledeće: kognitivno bihejvioralnu terapiju, racionalno emotivnu terapiju K. Ramsaya, transakcionu analizu Berna, art psihologiju Libby S. Moj način rada sa ljudima se zasniva na istovremenom korišćenu različitih metoda prema potrebama ljudi koji mi se obrate za podstrek ili pomoć. Pre početka rada sa bilo kojom osobom imam inicijalni razgovor gde smo kako klijent, tako i ja slobodni u odluci da li ćemo nastaviti sa radom. Nastavak rada zavisi od toga da li klient ima poverenja u mene kao i od moje procene da li ja klijentu mogu da pomognem. Inicijalni razgovor ne obavezuje niti klijenta niti mene da nastavimo sa radom. Ukoliko postignemo dogovor da smo kako klijent tako i ja spremni i posvećeni onome oko čega smo se dogovorili, naše “putovanje” počinje. Radim sa ljudima koji imaju problema u raznim životnim zonama kao što su komunikacija, nedostatak samopouzdanja, ostvarivanje punog ličnog potencijala, prevazilaženje loših navika, postavljanje granica, partnerski odnosi…